I have been evaluating the differences in information and user experience between the Facebook app and Facebook via mobile browser (Safari), and it is substantial.
The browser experience shows all notifications in chronological order, and a larger variety of info and authors in my feed. Major differences.
Plus, I keep getting the following while trying to create a new post on my own timeline via the browser, but not the app…
Then I discovered that I couldn’t create a new post, or like another’s post (only comments) via the browser. It appears to allow me to do it via the app.
So, I tried an experiment. I liked a comment on a friends article in the browser, then went to my activity log in the app to follow it to the post in the app to like the original post. It returned this…
Another anomaly is the fact that folks may see a notification of someone liking or reacting to a post, but then they navigate to said post via the notification and the react isn’t there. Example, from Glen Bradley…
This is active, live, real-time censorship, folks. I can only imagine what’s going on via Twitter.
So, looks like I will be posting my major comments here. Stay tuned.