Profiting on Farce & Bad Policies
Crooked trade deals… innovation to China… stupid domestic policies… rampant illegal immigration… back-breaking healthcare and insurance schemes… the list goes on.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Mar 24, 2020 | Economics, Federal, Lee County, Local, North Carolina, Opinion, Political Affiliation, Politics, Republican, State | 0 |
Crooked trade deals… innovation to China… stupid domestic policies… rampant illegal immigration… back-breaking healthcare and insurance schemes… the list goes on.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Feb 14, 2020 | Federal, Local, News & Media, Political Affiliation, Politics, State | 0 |
We must restore the balance of powers intended by our Constitution…. American citizens have a responsibility to provide oversight of our elected officials – especially when it comes to sending our sons and daughters to kill and die.
Read Moreby Esse Quam Videri | Feb 27, 2018 | Constitution, Federal, Libertarian, North Carolina, Politics, Republican, State, Unaffiliated | 0 |
The Supremacy Clause to the US Constitution clearly states that the Constitution and any Law of Congress in Pursuance of the Constitution, is the Supreme Law of the Land. That word, “Pursuance” is of particular importance.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Sep 22, 2015 | Alaska, Democrat, Events, Graphics, Politics, Portfolio, Republican | 0 |
I love unique and edgy ideas… and this joint fundraiser from ARP Districts 25 & 28 was brilliant.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Oct 4, 2013 | Democrat, Federal, Local, Politics, Republican, State | 0 |
Republican leaders are not the only ones who have strayed from their values over the decades. Democrat leaders have also diverged from their principles…
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Sep 28, 2013 | Alaska, Arizona, Democrat, Federal, Georgia, Graphics, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, News & Media, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Politics, Portfolio, Republican, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming | 0 |
[Listed are] the Republican Senators who broke from the Republican Caucus, and voted with Democrats on funding the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). These Senators are listed below with a link to their contact information (and a little extra)…
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Sep 24, 2013 | Federal, Kentucky, News & Media, Politics, Republican | 0 |
While many Americans have historically relied on the mainstream media for their sole information source, they are starting to realize that what they have actually been getting is the “shakedown.”
For example, there is an interesting development between Senator Rand Paul and the Associated Press surrounding his position on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). On September 21, the AP released an article implying Paul was in favor of compromise legislation to fund the ACA…. The article later contrasts Rand Paul with other Republican Presidential hopefuls….
It is important to use discernment when it comes to any news item. All news stories should be regarded as opinion and the primary sources should be reviewed if available – especially on important matters. Treat your news like your diet. Get your information from a variety of sources, and read your labels.
Read Moreby Esse Quam Videri | Aug 28, 2012 | Alaska, Federal, Florida, News & Media, Politics, Republican, Video | 0 |
At the 2012 RNC Convention in Tampa, 6 Delegations submitted the proper paperwork to nominate Ron Paul from the floor. The RNC leadership not only willfully ignored the submission, but Chairman Reince Priebus later claimed that no paperwork was submitted.
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