20 Years Ago Today
I was living in NYC [9/11]… By the end of 2001… Richmond, VA. I got involved in the Republican Party… 20 years and 7 states later – here I am… I will never forget. I ❤ NYC.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Sep 11, 2021 | Economics, Events, Federal, Lee County, New York, North Carolina, Politics, Republican | 0 |
I was living in NYC [9/11]… By the end of 2001… Richmond, VA. I got involved in the Republican Party… 20 years and 7 states later – here I am… I will never forget. I ❤ NYC.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Jan 27, 2021 | Constitution, Culture, Democrat, Economics, Federal, History, Lee County, Libertarian, Local, North Carolina, Personal, Political Affiliation, Politics, Republican, State, Unaffiliated | 0 |
My allegiance is to the Almighty, the Constitution of the United States, and the Principles that sprang forth to create it which have been embodied in my home state – the Great State of North Carolina. So help me God.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Mar 24, 2020 | Economics, Federal, Lee County, Local, North Carolina, Opinion, Political Affiliation, Politics, Republican, State | 0 |
Crooked trade deals… innovation to China… stupid domestic policies… rampant illegal immigration… back-breaking healthcare and insurance schemes… the list goes on.
Read Moreby Esse Quam Videri | Feb 27, 2018 | Constitution, Federal, Libertarian, North Carolina, Politics, Republican, State, Unaffiliated | 0 |
The Supremacy Clause to the US Constitution clearly states that the Constitution and any Law of Congress in Pursuance of the Constitution, is the Supreme Law of the Land. That word, “Pursuance” is of particular importance.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Sep 20, 2017 | Lee County, Local, News & Media, North Carolina, Politics, Republican | 0 |
The Lee GOP believes firmly in the First Amendment, and has committed to help members learn more about social media and online publishing…. Lee County is an under-served media market, and the values of our residents are poorly represented. Feel free to reach again in the future, if you wish to provide the public a fuller perspective.
Read Moreby Esse Quam Videri | Nov 8, 2016 | Events, Featured, Graphics, North Carolina, Politics, Portfolio, Republican | 0 |
How Lee County Republicans roll…
Read Moreby Esse Quam Videri | Oct 1, 2016 | Alaska, Constitution, Graphics, Libertarian, Politics, Portfolio, Republican, Unaffiliated | 0 |
Well, they messed with the PFD under the Walker regime. Pam Goode warned Alaskans in 2014.
Read Moreby Esse Quam Videri | Aug 17, 2016 | Alaska, Constitution, Graphics, News & Media, Politics, Portfolio, Republican | 0 |
by Alicé Leuchte | Sep 22, 2015 | Alaska, Democrat, Events, Graphics, Politics, Portfolio, Republican | 0 |
I love unique and edgy ideas… and this joint fundraiser from ARP Districts 25 & 28 was brilliant.
Read Moreby Esse Quam Videri | Apr 29, 2015 | Alaska, Graphics, Politics, Portfolio, Republican | 0 |
It is a strong illustration of a candidate who carries and is not afraid to confront a situation. Case in point… some misogynist was running around Anchorage defacing her signs (which is a felony). Amy caught him in the act herself… and confronted him. Everything was caught on video too. I was quite impressed with her, and quite pissed at this guy’s gall.
Read Moreby Esse Quam Videri | Oct 27, 2014 | Alaska, Constitution, Democrat, Graphics, Politics, Portfolio, Republican | 0 |
Don’t vote for an ass. Seriously.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Sep 28, 2014 | Alaska, Constitution, Graphics, Politics, Portfolio, Radio, Republican, Video | 0 |
I decided to publicly support Pam Goode in her run for Alaska State House over the Republican candidate, Jim Colver. Here is my endorsement…
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