America First
My allegiance is to the Almighty, the Constitution of the United States, and the Principles that sprang forth to create it which have been embodied in my home state – the Great State of North Carolina. So help me God.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Jan 27, 2021 | Constitution, Culture, Democrat, Economics, Federal, History, Lee County, Libertarian, Local, North Carolina, Personal, Political Affiliation, Politics, Republican, State, Unaffiliated | 0 |
My allegiance is to the Almighty, the Constitution of the United States, and the Principles that sprang forth to create it which have been embodied in my home state – the Great State of North Carolina. So help me God.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Apr 29, 2020 | Culture, Federal, Health, History, Local, News & Media, Politics, State | 0 |
We have a weaponized corporate media conglomerate which is actively producing and disseminating malicious information that poses a tangible and quantifiable danger to the lives of Americans…. [It] can (and will) influence individuals to take specific actions that may maim and kill themselves or others.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Apr 29, 2020 | Culture, History, News & Media, Political Affiliation, Politics | 0 |
Start watching the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. This is a documentary series on the Communist Party, especially within the context of China.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Apr 6, 2020 | Culture, Economics, Federal, Health, Local, News & Media, Politics, State | 0 |
What you see on TV and from corporate media sources is not a free and independent press. There is currently a covert conflict going on and includes psychological warfare techniques which are being deployed by what Americans thought were trustworthy sources of information.
Read MoreWe live in a Divinely diverse country, with many peoples, cultures and languages. They are all wonderful, and welcoming – and all American…. We are bound as individual states only by our common Spirit and shared principles.
Read MoreInstead of pharmaceuticals… Why don’t we try quinine, get a clean source of Iodine (I), and eat clean foods?
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Mar 15, 2020 | Culture, History, Local, North Carolina, Personal, Politics, State | 0 |
Being from North Carolina, and a thorough product of it’s heritage…. This is one of my favorites. Esse Quam Videri.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Mar 14, 2020 | Culture, Economics, North Carolina, Politics, State | 0 |
It is the aim of tyrants to apply force contrary to human nature and cause inequitable and unnatural results. This is why what they say never matches the results they reap. And it is deliberate.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Mar 12, 2020 | Alaska, Culture, Economics, Lee County, North Carolina, Politics, State | 0 |
This developing situation kinda reminds me of – old time Southern snow days…. Hope you chuckle, reminisce, and add a little sense of adventure to what we’re all going through.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Mar 10, 2020 | Alaska, Culture, Economics, Federal, Lee County, Local, North Carolina, Politics, State | 0 |
While the virus itself might affect a few of us, the supply chain affects all of us – just like it has everyday of our lives thus far. So, there is no need to panic because we are all in this together. This too shall pass.
Read MoreLet’s talk about our supply chain, and what opportunities the current economic situation may be opening up for Americans. Easiest visual is of course Walmart.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Feb 21, 2020 | Culture | 0 |
Expressing and accepting gratitude has been misinterpreted as a sign of weakness in our culture. The opposite is true.
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