America First
My allegiance is to the Almighty, the Constitution of the United States, and the Principles that sprang forth to create it which have been embodied in my home state – the Great State of North Carolina. So help me God.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Jan 27, 2021 | Constitution, Culture, Democrat, Economics, Federal, History, Lee County, Libertarian, Local, North Carolina, Personal, Political Affiliation, Politics, Republican, State, Unaffiliated | 0 |
My allegiance is to the Almighty, the Constitution of the United States, and the Principles that sprang forth to create it which have been embodied in my home state – the Great State of North Carolina. So help me God.
Read MoreInstead of pharmaceuticals… Why don’t we try quinine, get a clean source of Iodine (I), and eat clean foods?
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Mar 15, 2020 | Culture, History, Local, North Carolina, Personal, Politics, State | 0 |
Being from North Carolina, and a thorough product of it’s heritage…. This is one of my favorites. Esse Quam Videri.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Nov 17, 2016 | Federal, News & Media, Opinion, Personal, Politics, Radio, Video | 0 |
A [very deep, educated] look behind the lying, left-over media and #FakeNews… and what you *must* do to fight it.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Jul 22, 2015 | Alaska, North Carolina, Opinion, Personal, Politics, Virginia | 0 |
Through blindness and emotion, we have placed our faith in the hands of tyrants and political unions, accepted the mass murder of the innocent, and gleefully move to silence those who dare speak their conscience… [when] the expression of individual conscience is required in order to save our country.
Lay aside the misplaced loyalties of Man, abandon the hatred sown by propaganda, and return to the foundation of our free society: Faith in Truth, individual freedom, expression of conscience, and the Grace of our Almighty God.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Jun 11, 2015 | Graphics, Personal, Portfolio | 0 |
Yes. A cigarette vending machine. As I mentioned in an earlier post, Mark got it for my birthday...
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Nov 15, 2014 | Graphics, North Carolina, Opinion, Personal, Politics, Portfolio | 0 |
As the greater generations pass away, it is up to the younger ones to fill their place and ensure their efforts were not in vain. I am committed, and I am proud to see so many step up with me across the nation. We have big shoes to fill, but because of the amazing examples of leadership we have had from those before us… ‘we got this.’
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Jul 17, 2013 | Personal, Video | 0 |
Like all kitties, White Cat is all about sleeping. What makes him special is his human-sized snoring.
Read Moreby Alicé Leuchte | Dec 15, 2012 | Alaska, Graphics, Personal | 0 |
Some problems are fun to solve… like not being able to identify your assigned parking space.
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